Sunday 17 March 2013

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How Many People Die a Day? The sad reality...

There are over 150,000 deaths per day and over 55 million deaths per year. According to the US Census Bureau (for 2009), there are 1.8 deaths per second worldwide, meaning that there are over 100 deaths per minute. 

But what will be the spiritual destiny of these millions of people? How many people make it to heaven every day? Obviously, no one really knows for sure where all these souls are headed other than God Himself. But we can come up with an estimate based on the percentage of Christians in the world.

According to the Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (2006), 33% of the world's population is considered to be Christian. If this number is correct, it means that about 100,500 people are going to hell every day. This is an astounding number! 

If anyone reading this thinks this is unnecessary information and "depressing"-what's really depressing is that there are too many "Christians" in the world that DO NOT CARE about the spiritual destiny of the souls around them!

Christians, if we truly want to be like Jesus, we have to pray for more spiritual boldnessand get the message of Christ out! Everyday, every person we come in contact with is a new opportunity-a new soul to share the Good News with. 

This is a terrible reality, but too many people are not going to make it to heaven (Matthew 7:13-14). Pray for all the lost people you encounter, try to bring up the subject of Jesus by giving out gospel tracts/pamplets, do whatever you can. Being idle is not a choice when there are so many lost souls that need to be reached!

And he said to them, "Go you into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." -Mark 16:15

"You are the light of the world." -Matthew 5:14


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