Sunday 17 February 2013

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Evil in the Church--Should Christians Go to Church?

There has been much controversy lately about churches. Apparently there are some people (and religious cults) saying that Christians should separate themselves from the churches and just focus on God. Many people stay away from church because they feel that most churches now a days are corrupted, full of the love of money and pride. While this may be true for many churches, you shouldn't put all the eggs in one basket.

So let's imagine a world with no churches...a world where all the churches have closed down, and everyone can worship God on their own, in their own time. What would be the outcome? 

No more leadership:
If there were no churches,many baby Christians who need someone with strong biblical knowledge to teach them of the gospel,and assist them in their spiritual growth would be at a loss. 

"Where there is no wise guidance, the nation falls, but in the multitude of counselors there is victory." -Proverbs 11:14

There would be a  decrease in food drives for the hungry:
Many churches around the globe set up food drives for the homeless and poor. (examples:

"But the needy will not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the afflicted ever perish." -Psalm 9:18

There would be a decrease in the number of prisoners who will hear the gospel:
Many churches are responsible for organizing prison ministries that train and send members of the body to preach the gospel to the inmates in prison. If all churches were gone, how many prisoners would miss out the Good News?

 “I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.”-Matthew 25:36

There would be an increase in abortions:
People don't realize the impact many churches have made in young girls lives. There are millions of unplanned pregnancies per year,and if it weren't for pregnancy resource ministries, there would be even more abortions around the world. (example:

There would be an increase in homeless pregnant girls and women:
There are churches that not only provide food,clothing,diapers, and other necessary essentials for pregnant women--but some churches go as far as to provide shelter for these women who have nowhere to go,and no one else to turn to! (example:

"For you have been a stronghold to the poor, a stronghold to the needy in his distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat; for the breath of the ruthless is like a storm against a wall.." -Isaiah 25:4

Places with little to no Christianity present would have no missionaries to share the gospel:
There are countless villages and cities where Christianity is almost non-existent. If it weren't for the multitude of churches that send out missionaries to fulfill the great commission, many families would not know about the love of Christ. (example:

So by looking at the positive impact many churches have in the community and around the globe, why would anyone be against the churches? Now I'm in no way implying that all churches are good, because there will always be a rotten apple in the bunch! But I will say with 100% certainty that many people need churches. To say that people should stop going to church and stop giving to the church is completely unsound

The apostles in the bible met at the temple and gave tithe, even JESUS Himself worshiped at the temple on the Sabbath and preached the gospel! If anything, by going to church we are following Jesus' example, which is always a good thing! Just make sure the church of your choosing is founded on the principles of the bible. The only way to know if a church is right for you is to read the bible for yourself so that you're equipped not only by the Spirit, but by the Truth--which is God's Word. This way you will be able to tell which churches are truly following the Lord.

 I will leave you with Hebrews 10:25; "And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near."

God Bless!


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