Sunday 12 August 2012

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Stop Worrying! Start Believing...

"Don't worry about a twister headed your way??" Yep, that's what I said! Let me explain...

God has been teaching me and refining me in very unique ways! Well the other day while I was driving, the skies got really gray and the wind started blowing quite a bit... I started to get terrified that there would be a twister (it's my worst fear by the way).

Then as I was driving down the street, I looked to my right and what did I see? A twister! I saw things just flying in a circle and I panicked! I did however, make it home safely. Later that day I heard that a tornado hit and damaged a neighborhood very close to me and pulled up some trees from their roots. Thank God for keeping me and my daughter safe!

So what's the point of me telling you this? Well, this is what God used to teach me a lesson! Stop worrying, even if a twister is headed our way, we need to be reminded of who God is, and that He is always in control! Why was I fearing the weather if God is control of the weather? If God is the One who sends out the rain, who let's out the snow from the storehouses of heaven, who tells the lightning where it will strike, then why was I worried? It's because I did not have enough faith. It always boils down to faith! We need to stop worrying and start believing! 

It's kind of like God was saying, "You know what, you already know who I am, and you know that you are protected, yet you are afraid that I will 'mess up' and accidentally let that twister get you? Well then, I'm going to let you give in to your fear and let you see that twister you're scared of!" I laugh now just thinking about it. This however, wasn't the end of the story...

Later that same day in the evening, I decided to read a devotional to my daughter who's 4 years old. It's actually a devotional for preschoolers (I guess I needed that lol). And guess what the page that I happened to open the book to said? This was the exact message (emphasis added);

"Do you know what it means to TRUST? It means to believe everything will be okay. We trust that our parents will take care of us. We trust that our beds will keep us warm. We trust that God will always love us and protect us....The Bible tells us we can be happy when we trust in God. When you trust in God, he shows you what to do. And you don't have to worry about anything."

And the bible verse at the bottom of the page was Romans 15:13, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him."

Isn't that just something?! God is truly amazing! And apparently quite humorous too when He feels like it :]. I'm so thankful to the Lord for teaching me this lesson so that I can share it and encourage you. If you're in your own "twister" right now in your life, just relax! God is always in control, even when it seems things are out of control. Even through the chaos, God is working. Stop worrying, start believing!

God bless you.
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Sunday 5 August 2012

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Virtuous Woman-Being a Proverbs 31:10 woman!

What is a godly woman like? How do we as women make sure that our ways are always pleasing to God? One of the best examples of what the characteristics of a godly woman is is found in Proverbs 31:10-30. The context is of a good wife, but we can use this as an example for the single woman alike! It reads as follows (I've added only the relevant verses to our day):

       Who can find a virtuous woman?
       For her worth is far above rubies.
       The heart of her husband safely trusts her;
       So he will have no lack of gain.
       She does him good and not evil
       All the days of her life....

       She extends her hand to the poor,
       Yes, she reaches out her hands to the needy...

       She opens her mouth with wisdom,
       And on her tongue is the law of kindness.
       She watches over the ways of her household,
       And does not eat the bread of idleness

       Her children rise up and call her blessed;
       Her husband also, and he praises her:
       “Many daughters have done well,
       But you excel them all.”

       Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing,
       But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised

Here's a list of the virtues of the Proverbs woman in a nutshell:

1. She has faith. A virtuous woman seeks God's will in all areas of her life, and is wise enough to seek Him for counsel all her days. (Hebrews 11:6)

2. She has passion and wisdom. A virtuous woman is passionate about what she does and about her family. Most of all, she's passionate about her relationship with the Lord. But her passion is based on faith and knowledge of God's word. (Romans 10:2)

3. She is respectful. A virtuous woman respects her husband and submits to him as Ephesians 5:22 commands. She also respects friends and family alike and strives for righteousness. (1 Peter 2:17)

4. She loves in action. A virtuous woman's love for others can be seen by her actions. She volunteers or gives to the needy. She shows compassion to those in need. (James 2:18)

5. She's a good mother. A virtuous woman's main goal is to raise her children in the way of the Lord. She teaches them about God from infancy, and gears them towards the path of life. (Proverbs 22:6)

6. She accepts correction. A virtuous woman does not turn an ear away from correction. She willingly accepts God's discipline in areas of her life that need it, and works on changing them to please God. (Proverbs 10:17)

7. She cares about health. A virtuous woman cares about her and her family's health and well being, and treats her body as a temple of the Lord. (1 Corinthians 6:15)

8. She uses her time wisely. A virtuous woman isn't idle. She doesn't want to waste her days away as a lazy person does. She believes in making the most of her time and using it for God's glory. (Proverbs 31:27)

9. She is beautiful! A virtuous woman is beautiful! But not necessarily in the way most people in the world describe beauty. She is the essence of beauty on the inside, and is a treasured possession of Christ! (1 Peter 3:3-4)
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